Doing Business with Dane County

Dane County purchases goods and services through the Department of Administration’s Purchasing Division, Public Works, and the Department of Human Services. Entities interested in doing business with the county should review the sites listed below. Each Department maintains a separate website with information about opportunities.

Purchasing Division

The Purchasing Division is responsible for processing the majority of goods and services used in the County. The Purchasing Division website contains Requests for Proposals and a vendor registration.


Public Works

Public Works is responsible for design, engineering and construction for facility improvements. Public Works publishes bids for design, engineering, and construction services separately. Contractors interested in bidding on Public Works projects must complete the Best Value Contractor Application on the Public Works website.

Public Works

Human Services

Human Services manages contracts for the purchase of service agencies which offer direct client services to Dane County residents. Request for Proposals for Purchase of Service Contracts is done annually in the Spring.

Human Services