April 15, 2022
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

April is National County Government Month. The month is marked to educate the public on the importance of county government and how it touches people’s lives every day.


In the United States there are 3,069 counties serving more than 315 million Americans.


Counties provide health services, administer justice, keep communities safe, foster economic opportunities, and much more.


Dane County, home to 563,951 people provides services from A to Z – the Dane County Airport to the Henry Vilas Zoo.


"As a local government official my interest and passion for working as a public official began when I was in primary school learning about what local governments do," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher. "Local government and specifically county government touches people’s lives every day in multiple ways. County Government Month is an opportunity to highlight and showcase the work of the County."


Resources about County governments and Dane County are being shared with school teachers in Dane County in an effort to share the important work the County does as well to spark an interest in youth in their local government.


The National Counties Association has a toolkit available for anyone interested to learn more about County government, and also a simulation to educate students about the important role and functions of county government. These resources are available here:


Additionally, the Dane County Board has a Youth in Governance Program wherein students can apply to be a part of the program and they serve as a non-voting member on County committees. Information about the Youth in Governance Program as well as how to apply can be found here: